- 3
Crash on boot
#1 opened by adam9899 - 2
There are a lot of such errors in the logs. Failed to load boss item brutalbosses:
#2 opened by RIZ79 - 1
If you change the visual scale, it does not change their hitbox.
#3 opened by JetpackRescue - 2
[Bug]: 1.18.1 weird error on servers tart
#8 opened by itsdinkd - 1
[Bug]: Crash on startup 1.18.1
#4 opened by LaBestiaBrutal - 2
[Bug]: Crashes on World load
#5 opened by Gaxon1 - 1
[Bug]: Spitcobweb seems broken
#6 opened by JetpackRescue - 14
[Bug]: Datapacks are loading after the ones provided by Paxi, causing custom datapack to be overriden
#7 opened by Colin-J-Wood - 1
What does the ai goal "minecraft:target" do?
#9 opened by RedPxnda - 1
[Bug]: Boss bar continually disappears when shooting bosses at a distance
#10 opened by JetpackRescue - 1
[Suggestion]: Making the brutal bosses exempt from activating pressure plates
#15 opened by BugmanBugman - 5
[Bug]: Custom attribute "dropgear" doesn't work
#11 opened by addaonez - 1
Hide boss nametag
#12 opened by JetpackRescue - 3
[Suggestion] Boss locked Chests module or addon.
#13 opened by Darkmega18 - 3
[Suggestion] Champions, Apotheosis, special AI cross compatibility among others.
#14 opened by Darkmega18 - 1
[Bug]: The Llama spit shot by "spitcobweb" doesn't despawn in an open area.
#19 opened by RedPxnda - 2
[Bug]: Summoned mobs always gain an iron sword. Can't change it. please stop.
#20 opened by Darkmega18 - 4
[Bug]: After updating after last issue, now my summoned minions can't inherit brutal ai effects through nbt.
#21 opened by Darkmega18 - 3
[1.16.5] [Bug]: Crash brutalbosses:thrownitem
#16 opened by Cixon - 5
[Bug]: issues replacing/editing defaults
#17 opened by Darkmega18 - 16
[Bug]: melee hit has entire chase distance added to range (?), + Shield melee interesting interaction
#18 opened by Darkmega18 - 1
[Bug]: failed to spawn! Error:
#23 opened by Sunekaer - 2
[Bug]: Wither Skeleton in bastion?
#24 opened by Niketats - 1
[Bug]: "ownerdamagepct" is damaging the boss when summonedmobs are summoned, not die
#22 opened by Jetpack-Cat - 1
[Question]: Config to disable spawn for certain bosses?
#29 opened by logicallydimp23 - 1
The booty of some bosses is too expensive
#25 opened by xuwuwudi - 3
[1.18.2] Server Stops Ticking After Boss Spawn
#26 opened by HockeyZman2000 - 1
[Bug]: Brutal Bosses seems to have crash my game
#27 opened by justawander - 1
[Bug]: Owner Damage Percent first kill 1.18.2
#28 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
[Bug]: duplicate spawns in one spot
#30 opened by MacChuck - 1
[Bug]: Bosses have permanent Glow
#31 opened by Nyaromight