Crash with Charset Patches
Generalcamo opened this issue ยท 5 comments
BuildCraft version: 7.99.17
Forge version: 2725
Link to crash report or log:
Singleplayer or multiplayer: Singleplayer
Steps to reproduce: Place an engine down
Additional information: Caught in dev environment, but probably the case in a normal installation too
@asiekierka do you have any idea why this might be happening with charset?
in dev environment
That crash is specific to a dev environment. It should not happen, but it pertains specifically to not detecting being in one. I have no idea why it didn't detect it, though.
Oh, right, I know why.
For coremods I develop, you need to manually run them through BON2 before they will work correctly. This is true for all coremods I develop. deobfCompile in build.gradle might work.
Notably, though, you shouldn't need CharsetPatches for any development...? It's only optional features.
Generally, if you see crashes pertaining to missing fields/methods with weird field_.../func_... names in a deobfuscated environment, they'll be related to either an incorrect Minecraft version (somehow...) or the fact specific reflection/coremod logic was not tested with a dev environment properly.