[1.12.2, OptiFine] Corrupted interfaces if BuildCraft pipes are in render distance
Adtsd24 opened this issue · 1 comments
Please complete the following information:
- Forge Version:
- BuildCraft Version (Add Hash if from github): BuildCraft-all-
- Any additonal mods: Industrial Craft 2 2.8.222 Experimental-112, NuclearCraft 2.18zzz, JourneyMap 5.7.1p3, ProjectE PE1.4.1, ProjectE Integration 2.5.0, Expanded Equivalence 12.3.17, FTB Library, FTB Utilities, etc.: (listed without versions because they are mostly optimization mods or library mods that dont do anything) OptiFine, FoamFix, BetterFPS, Baubles, FastWorkbench, FastFurnace, Clumps, CodeChickenLib, CoFH Core, CoFH World, Redstone Flux, Ore Excavation, JEI, Controllable, Just Enough Resources (JER), "Get it together, drops!" (in brackets for less confusion, since it is one mod), HammerLib
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go ahead and place any BuildCraft pipes (and machines, maybe machines cause it? who knows, just place both)
- Open Inventory - you can see first errror!
- Open JourneyMap Full-screen mod Map - another error! Now entire map is blue for some reason, and it is impossible to find buttons without memorizing them (luckily I did, because I used JourneyMap a LOT)
- Unload the pipes and machines and see that... no bugs are visible when pipes and machines are unloaded. Yeah, strange.
Examples of the behavior are on images. Hopefully that is not just a conflict between BuildCraft and OptiFine.
- inventory glitch
- JourneyMap glitch