Request: Buildcraft API modding tutorial
62832 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
I was only wondering how I can use the Buildcraft API to add pipes of my own. I'm an aspiring modder and I just thought I could make a few pipes of my own, but I don't know how!
This is not the place for requests, let alone tutorials. Ask in the forums although I doubt there will be anyone willing to do a tutorial.
Google it, god dangit. There are plenty of tutorials out there. And if you are a real coder, not just a kid who thinks he is one, then you shouldn't need any tutorials. BC API is understandable enough for a good coder to figure out how to use it without tutorials.
Tried Googling it, I didn't get any tutorials. Besides, I'm new to modding, and I'm only twelve.
I also want to point out that the "official" API packages are not capable of adding additional pipes. You have to depend on the actual source in the Transport package for that.