


Questions regading PowerHandlers

LordFokas opened this issue · 9 comments


I'm having some trouble with PowerHandlers, not exactly in using them, but with the way they work.

I believe there must be a great solid reason for this, so before anything, I'm asking for enlightenment.

We are forced to have power loss. At all times.
The PowerHandler and PowerReceiver final classes should be interfaces, to allow for more flexibility, including being able to merge several power systems in a single block more easily.

The PerditionCalculator, on the other hand, is public and non-final, and if we try to override every single thing in it, BuildCraft just seems to run some code behind our backs to make us lose even more power than we did by setting perdition to the minimum.

This is extremely annoying, especially when developing a storage unit where power is supposed to stay put until we say otherwise, and not leak before our very eyes.

So, to sum this up, the question is, why are we not free? Why must we always lose power? (just don't tell me because there's power loss everywhere IRL, Minecraft's logic and laws of physics are way incompatible with real life).

Thank you for reading the wall of text.


I believe this question was already answered by CovertJaguar elsewhere; let me paraphrase his answer.

"This is how BuildCraft works. If you don't like it, don't use BuildCraft. We will not support mods attempting to circumvent the rules of our power system."


Pretty much. We felt that the BC power system strayed too far from its original goal and was ending up just another power system. So we did what we felt was needed to make the user experience consistent.


Although if the power loss is part of the system and not part of the machine, why is the machine allowed to set it anywhere from 0.01 MJ/t to infinity?


Forget real life laws of physics, our Buildcraft Kinesis Physics have a couple of laws:

  1. Any medium transporting Kinesis cannot be interrupted without causing permanent damage to the medium.
  2. Any medium storing Kinesis will lose potency over time, this cannot be avoided as it is a property of the energy medium itself. The magnitude of loss can be controlled to an extent by manipulating the dimensions and density of the medium, but not eliminated.

Thank you, I have no more questions.
I'll still stick to BC because I like it, even though as a modder the power system tends to annoy me a bit :p


Does not explain block breakers.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 5:54 PM, CovertJaguar [email protected]:

I should make them do that just for you immibis. -.-

Addendum to Law 1:

The medium can be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere, but the process is too
complex to automate due to space and expense issues.

(Which conveniently also explains why Frames and things can move pipes).

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Explains it're just trolling now.


Are power pipes going to explode if you break them while they are transferring power?

Edit: Is there a reason for every mod to not set their energy loss to the absolute minimum?


I should make them do that just for you immibis. -.-

Addendum to Law 1:

The medium can be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere, but the process is too complex to automate due to space and expense issues.

(Which conveniently also explains why Frames and things can move pipes).