



Speiger opened this issue ยท 28 comments


Ok Powerloss is a thing that make power Realistic.
But it is kind of ignore that powerloss happen 3 times at the time.
I mean you lose power when the pipe is looking how much power your thing needs.
Second thing is Optional, but you loose power when you use doWork.
And the last thing is you loose power when you use power.
And every Extra Pipe connecting to the Block increase it
I think that is too much. Default is 1 MJ.
So at badest case its about 8MJ you lose per Tick!
The only engine that can provide it is a Industrial Steam engine.
Only For Checking its about 8MJ (at badest case)

I think powerloss should be there but not so hard. It should take a full min until you lose energy.
Also powerHandler should add a custom function that allows to import energy in the tileentity directly so you do not need to use extra check and use function.

Thanks for reading.



Could you explain how you got to this conclusion? Have you tested extensively or have you looked at the code? What machines did you use to test? There might be bugs around we don't know about. Are you using other mods like for example EnderIO or Mechanism in your tests?

I recently did some testing with 3 machines: One Squeezer, one Fermenter and one Still. None of them had any work. The machines where powered with 4 Stirling engines. That should be a total of 4 MJ/t. After a while my forth engine exploded because of overheating.

This told me very clearly that there was 3 MJ/t of loss in total. Probably 1 MJ/t in each machine. The system works perfectly as far as I can see, but I haven't tested everything so we need more details from you.


"bluidcraft" also have loss in machines. For example the Quarry. I just happened to have tested with 3 Forestry machines because there was someone asking about them on IRC.


as far as i know there is no powerloss in bluidcraft itself, the machines you talk about are forestry machines and the also use power if they have no work to do


SandGrainOne. So every machine has 1 pipe connected right?
Than connect 2 pipes on every machine. Then the Stirling engines are not enought.
Because Every pipe call the Powerloss.
If Forestry have the default powerloss, then the Stirling Engines do not keep up!


@AEnterprise BC has Powerloss.
Every time a pipe look how much power a machine needs the powerloss will be enabled.
I tested that. It is too much in my opinien.
Powerloss is ok but a battery does lose not his hole charg in 1 min or in 1 hour or in 1 day or in 1 month. It take a long time until the power is going down. And because BC dissabled explosions when to much energy is in pipes it is no longer a pneumatic pipe!


pneumatic power* in my opinien.


I don't understand why you are connecting a machine to more than one pipe, but you are right: If a machine with 2 pipe connections are loosing 2 MJ/t, then we have a bug on our hand.


A Refinery is configured to use 12 MJ per operation + 1 MJ/t when turning Oil into Fuel. I'm not sure how frequently it performs the operations, but I usually use 2 combustion engines (2x6 MJ/t).

This is the intended power demand of the Refinery. It is not powerloss. The only power loss is the 1 MJ/t that exists in all machines.


I mean powerloss is not bad. But i mean a to keep a machine running. (refinery at this case) require 2 steamengines. Add a counter or something. that say every 10 calls of this function and i apply powerloss. Also make the way open that you can get a special power reciver. Like the IPipeTransportPowerHook, but for machines.


SandGrainOne look at the PowerHandler and look how often these functions are get called (and when) "update", "applypertition", it is more than 1 MJ.
Minimum 2MJ and Max +8MJ
Maybe then you understand.


Tested the refinery some more.

When idle: 1 MJ/t
When working: 14 MJ/t

I'll admit that a working Refinery is using 1 MJ/t more than I expected and it looks like it is because of double perdition. Some perdition through update() and some perdition on useEnergy().

A mod author would need to take this into consideration when balancing the power demand of their machine. For example in the case of the Refinery we could change the operation cost to be 11 MJ instead of 12 MJ. That would make the total to be 13 MJ instead of 14 MJ.


I Disagree. Power usage should be free. And Powerloss should not happen every tick. Also there should be a custom power reciver and that has powerloss, (because of converting)


Suggestions go here:

I thought we were discussion potential bugs


Ok. So you can only loose Energy 1 time.
I found also a way to prevent "all the time powerloss",
If my buffer of energy is full i cut the connection between my Machine and the pipe that prevent the whole powerloss thing. And every energy that get put in has about 1 tick to stay in there. And I use a pertition of 0,0000001 and cast the energy to a Integer which make powerloss = 0. Its more dirty as it has to be but i haven't a choice. Powerloss still exsist in my machine but take longer. (Every min or something)


I'll admit that a working Refinery is using 1 MJ/t more than I expected and it looks like it is because of double perdition. Some perdition through update() and some perdition on useEnergy().

A mod author would need to take this into consideration when balancing the power demand of their machine. For example in the case of the Refinery we could change the operation cost to be 11 MJ instead of 12 MJ. That would make the total to be 13 MJ instead of 14 MJ.

No, there are checks in place to limit perdition application to once per tick.


@Speiger I don't really think players would notice a difference between 1 MJ minute and 0.01 MJ/t. Both are very low. I don't understand why you put so much effort into avoiding the mechanisms in BuildCraft power. Maybe you should have chosen a different power system altogether.


@SandGrainOne if you use a way like Buildcraft you are right. In BC there will be not showen how much Power you have so you do not know how much you loose. But my Mod show how much Power My Machine (and when you press shift) other machines have. And my Batterie station has a powerloss that make me a little angry. So i decided to prevent this extrem powerloss.
And also i do not like RF or factorisationEnergy or Universal Electric energy really much. IC2 Power would be a case but to much changes and the fact that there are enought mods with that are out there delete the case^^". And i am too stupid (and it is kind of a wast) to create a new PowerSystem.


You apparently don't like BC energy either since you are fighting it.


Forecaster i like BC energy. But not all new changes to it. But without compromises does the world not work. My compromise is, I acept the powerloss if it is not to often. Also i miss these funny powerpipe explosion if you make something wrong.


@Speiger I don't think you understood what was said, this is not the place for suggestions. We listened to you at first because it appeared that you had a bug to report.

Suggestions go here:
I thought we were discussion potential bugs

The end.


@Hanse00 i do not think this is a suggestion or a bugreport. I count this as a discussion.


@Speiger github is for reporting BUGS, if you want to discuss something go to the buildcraft forum!


"Hitting my face into the wall" That is everything i can do with this answer AEnterprise!


@Speiger oh, it's a discussion? Well, there's a forum just for that too!


"Shoot out my Brain". Its a BugSuggestion. In my Opinien. But i do not care.


can somebody lock this please?


^There's no way to lock issues, the next-best way is to either just delete all replies that end up in this issue, or to disable issue reporting entirely for a bit.


Just do not answer to this issue -.-"