


Some bugs

Opened this issue · 5 comments


First, the pump's extension uses the wrong textures sometimes (I think it is the quarry texture)
2014-02-22_20 39 11 After breaking and placing, It is normal again.

Second, water sometimes doesn't render at all in pipes
2014-02-22_20 40 12

This is my whole setup:
2014-02-22_20 40 19

Tanks work fine though:
2014-02-22_20 44 52

And finally, the blue line in kinesis pipes is not rendering:
2014-02-22_20 56 56

Sometimes the line is red, even when power is not overloaded, but I didn't manage to catch that.

Also, the quarry breaks water blocks (source and flowing).

All of these happened randomly. I didn't make any changes to the main setup.


What version of Buildcraft?
What version of Minecraft?
Are you running Optifine?


please report this at the buildcraft forum, the issue tracker is for stuff that is beïng worked on (i don't want to be rude or offencive with this but i'm just following the new rules)


Agreed with @AEnterprise. Your report is useful, it's best if it can be discussed on before it's being confirmed and one of the team member takes ownership of the fix. Thanks for your help!


Thanks :-)