(enhancement) NextGen achievements
62832 opened this issue ยท 21 comments
So, we have achievements now. AWESOME.
But, we are missing some achievements for NextGen, like the Builder, Architect Table etc. I am willing to add these along other things. What do you guys think?
I seem to be having trouble pulling the NextGen branch. I get an error saying the repo wasn't found.
Try "git pull https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft.git NextGen"
Still not working. I'm running "git pull https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/tree/NextGen". Is that not what I am meant to run?
I'm such a Git newbie. I understand the basics, but not this.
I'm pulling just fine as of 50 minutes ago http://build.nclf.net/job/BuildCraft%20NextGen/scmPollLog/
The GitHub help is an excellent guide IMO.
Give yourself 10 minutes to read through https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests
And most git/GitHub related help can be found at https://help.github.com/
You need to create a fork (there should be a button on the top left in the web page) then you need to pull from the fork, not from the main buildcraft repository. After you make changes and push them to your forked repo there will be a "Create pull request" or something like that at the web page of your fork.
Okay, I am reeaaally befuddled now.
So I forked the repository, pulled the fork to my computer, now exactly what commands do I run to commit my changes on the NextGen branch? When I try to do it, I get an error about a Src refspec or something.
Git has some terrible error messages.
git remote add --name of the remote-- --the address of your fork--
git push --name of the remote-- Nextgen
then go to your fork, go to the nextgen branch and press the green button next to the list of branches
Nope, that doesn't work. I get an error saying 'src refspec NextGen does not match any'.
Does not match any what?
other idea: copy the content of the modified files. Browse to that file on github and press edit, there you paste it.
@TXX59 if it realy doesn't work just send it on the forum to me. I'll submit it for you if you like.