


Add option to disable facades

SpaceToad opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Is there any way to blacklist certain facades? Or disable facades without having to not include BC silicon?


Only way i know of to "hide them" is using JEI hiding function, otherwise you could possibly look into using crafttweaker script


Current versions of BuildCraft allow you to disable any item or block by changing the relevant option in "objects.cfg".


(Although this can only disable facades as a whole - it's currently impossible to disable specific facades). Is there a reason why you want to disable certain facades?


Well my idea was that I could disable the facade that aether 2 is making. With its block.
"Block = aether:therastone_brick_decorative" is the block being referenced in the issue, but if aether 2 handles all their blocks in the same way, maybe adding all of their blocks to a facade blacklist would be nice to prevent the crash (if this is possible.) I know the issue comes from aether 2, but having a blacklist could be a work around as aether 2 has "got no answer as to whether a fix was in progress for this."


Oh right ok. We're not going to add a way for players to disable facades that fail the preload checks as that code really needs to be fixed in aether 2.


Alright thanks for your time and fast responses. Really appreciate it. Do you think it is an easy fix for the aether 2 team?


Hopefully. However I don't know without looking unfortunately.


A selection betweeen blacklist and whitelist will be nice.


I seem to be having the same problem but with vanilla minecraft for a facade that cannot even be obtained
Here is part of the crash log

net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from BuildCraft Silicon (buildcraftsilicon)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Scanning facade states
State = minecraft:double_stone_slab[seamless=true,variant=stone]
Block = minecraft:double_stone_slab
Stack = 1xtile.stoneSlab@0
varying-properties: {
PropertyBool{name=seamless, clazz=class java.lang.Boolean, values=[true, false]} = null


@A-gmaE-programmer You'll need to upload the full crash report to a new issue, as this isn't really the best place for it.