Used memory spazzing out
jakemobile34 opened this issue ยท 29 comments
so.... randomly when i play my memory likes to jump through % like milliseconds on a watch.... it doesnt do this on vanilla minecraft. and I currently have the latest forge and buildcraft for 1.7.10
I would post a video of it spazzing out but idk to do that... so ive got four screenshots of me standing in the same spot taken with 5 seconds. it was doing this in the previous buildcraft update too.
btw... those screenshots were taken when i had mcpatcher on. but it does it when dont use mcpatcher
So... Memory leak! With fillers/builders, no less!
...These things really need a rewrite. I give up.
@asiekierka it is not memory leak. It is just normal memory usage with Forge and mods. Garbage in memory builds up and then Java decides to do minor garbage collection. It totally normal and until Java does not run out of memory there is nothing to worry for.
P.S. And depending on environment (mobs, fire, redstone) it will happen on vanilla. Filler is hundreds of pistons (block updates).
but when this happens nothing works. the filler doesnt do anything, the builders stop. even the pipes dont even do anything
"creative pistons"
As I said, I can't reproduce any of the filler issues and people just come to us and shout at us to fix them, when we don't even know what is wrong.
i can close the world and open it up and its still there. i cant shut down minecraft and then go back in and its still there. i can restart my computer and its still there. i can wait with my computer off for a few days and comeback and its still doing it. i pretty much have to play and ride it out
JMX/VisualVM CPU sampler snapshot would be useful. It is the only way we can localize the bottleneck.
It is not. It is tool in JavaDevelopmentKit. You run it, select MC instance ( it might be named "launchwrapper"something) select Sampler tab, click CPU button after you have joined lagging world, wait a minute or so, click Snapshot, select Snapshot tab, save it and upload. It is bit complicated but it is the only way to debug it.
Good. You've done one step. Now select sampler tab, click CPU button... Just read my previous comment once more. If you send us correct snapshot (not screenshot) we will know which function causes lag.
You also want to make a memory snapshot if you dont have any lag? As your issue is memory not CPU
It is called Heap Dump but memory is not the case. IMHO it is normal JVM operation with completely lagged out Main Thread.
well i sent the snapshot to asiekierka. i can send it to you or post it through rghost or something kubuxu