placing Galacticraft Sealed BC pipes causing internal server error
Faryzal2020 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
error from latest.log :
server using KCauldron 1.7.10-1420.104
buildcraft version: 6.4.16
compat version: 6.4.2
galacticraft version:
Note from the GC developers:
Thanks to @asiekierka for identifying the issue, and thanks to all who spotted it and contributed to this issue report.
The issue has been fixed in Galacticraft versions 411 and later. Earlier versions of Galacticraft must not use the "Sealed xxxx Pipe" blocks if BCCompat is loaded - sorry.
I apologise for the long time it has taken us to deal with this, I have taken time away from the project for personal reasons.
seems you are running a bukkit server, can you try to recreate this on a forge server?