


Found some errors

mimic2300 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


hi, i dont know, if it is severity error or not, but in logs are those lines:

[Client thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft Additions/bcadditions]: CompatModule 'Framez' is missing a dependency: 'framez'! This module will not be loaded.

[Client thread/ERROR] [BuildCraft Additions/bcadditions]: CompatModule 'MineTweaker' is missing a dependency: 'MineTweaker3'! This module will not be loaded.


@mimic2300 I believe you need to update your Java to version 8.


i already use jdk 1.8.0_5


@mimic2300 Then ensure you are using that version. Check the beginning of the logs to see what version MC is using.

Should be something like "[17:44:56] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_25, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_25"

It could be another reason, but the only time I have seen errors like those two lines is when trying to start under Java7. And since those two lines are all you provided, its all I have to go one. :)

Edit: It is also possible you are using some mods that are not compatible with forge's new fluid system.


yeah.. MC use same version. This error does not cause the version of Java but mod: BuildcraftAdditions-1.7.10-2.1.4 (use BC 7.0.10)


ah.. ok.. sorry for spam on wrong the tracker :)
@iTitus yeah, info or warn would be better


@mimic2300 you are on the wrong issue tracker, this is a error from my mod BCA not BC. Also this is not realy an error but an informative message, BCA has build in compatibility with those mods but as they are not pressent those features are dissabled and these messages can safely be ignored


Yeah, this is not an incompatability or an error with your Java version.
We should move the logging level to INFO or something like that to make it more clear to users that this is no error.


i'll change that up, no idea at all why @BigXplosion considered it an error


#blame @iTitus