[suggestion] building turtles for computercraft 1.7.4+
n00b7 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
i thing a building turtle / advanced building turtle
would be cool!
crafting recipie: none none none
none turtle builder
none none none
blueprint.load([slot]) loads the blueprint in the given slot
blueprint.build() builds the blueprint if the matirials are in the builder(will pause when waiting for matierials)
isBlueprint() returns true if the loaded blueprint is a blueprint(returns false if it is a template)
isTemplate() returns true if the loaded blueprint is a template(returns false if it is a blueprint)
blueprint.hasMatierieals() returns true if the turtle has matierieals for building the loaded blueprint
isEnoughFuel() (returns if it has enough fuel to build the blueprint)
how it works:
consumes 2 fuel per block placed
blueprint.load() uses the selected slot by default
computers may use this as a peripheral when conected directly or by modems and cables
changes when using with computers
isEnoughFuel() will be isEnoughRF()
blueprint.load() will not do anything