Quarry make server crash when used [and chunkloading is off]
EverNife opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Here follows the crash report:
This is not everytime, but, sometimes, crashes...
Similar bug exists with filler. Cauldron as well.
Crash report
Player said that he placed filler, tried to select mode and server crashed. And every time he tried to login, server crashed.
I couldn't reproduce it myself even at the same coordinates and on the same server
Same issue. Can reproduce both on a Cauldron MP server and in single player with the same modpack. In MP it effectively kills the server as any player wandering within range will be stuck in a crash loop.
Place 3 land marks in an L shape. Place a quarry next to one of them. Place a chest and a power source. Quarry will build the first corner of the frame and then crash when it gets to the top. Save is effectively corrupted.
Edited to add. In fact I get the same with 4 land marks in a rectangle. When you place the quarry, you don't get a full frame, just one short stub. Powering that quarry will corrupt the save and kill the server.
@Deadlock989 - how are you reproducing it?
@EverNife @Deadlock989 please try http://asie.pl/bc7021a.jar