


Quarry/ M.E. system

aventon12 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Quarry and simple M.E. System was bugged out, wouldnt let me use land markers with the quarry, and wouldnt allow me to pump items into the M.E. system. at all
loaded a new world and they started to work.


There's no way to find out how to fix it if you cannot recreate it.


Using landmarks, you have to place the landmarks first, right click the one where you want to place the quarry and it will light up lines linked to the other landmarks and THEN place the quarry.
Using an AE system in the same location as the quarry, you can simply place the block version of an ME Interface on any side of the quarry and it will use the interface as an inventory. This setup has no speed limit because the quarry can fill an adjacent inventory as fast as it mines and AE can take items as fast as they get inserted into the interface.


Thanks kollinsPlays this comment helps me out alot (I'm new to modded minecraft and I was just putting items in a chest thru pipes then I get stuff out of chest click on me terminal and put items in manually)