


if some one wanted to convert this from Java edition to bedrock edition

Kobra299 opened this issue · 8 comments


ok I am wondering if someone where to try and get this to work on minecraft bedrock edition what kind of permission would they need as it would most likely use your items as the base for the conversion

if it is possible that it

could anyone try it?


wBasically asking if some one had time and could recode this to work with bedrock would they be allowed to

Short answer is yes. Per the license file (section 4), the user has the right to modify the source. Such modification is without limit (within the license itself, violating third party copyrights is a separate issue), so translating from Java to whatever language bedrock scripts use would be permitted. Per section 5, the user has the right to distribute the modified source (and must provide the modified source if modified binaries are provided).

That said, there's a reason essentially no mods are translated to MC bedrock... You are quite likely to hit things you flat out cannot do. But some subset of BC's content could likely be ported over.


Bedrock doesn't have mods. It's not a permission thing, it's a technical thing. You'd need to hack the application itself, which is super difficult if not impossible. Bedrock is not the same as Java.


Bedrock has addons which are a version of a mod you just need to known how to make an addon


Addons and mod are not the same. Addons let you change the behaviour of existing things in Minecraft. Mods let you create new things entirely new things. They are completely different.


from what I have read in this you can make your own new items its just a matter of making them do what you want them to with the script and alike

aka making a Behaviour Pack and Resources Pack then zipping them and renaming them .mcaddon <<< Editied part


wBasically asking if some one had time and could recode this to work with bedrock would they be allowed to


To my understanding, not really. The license allows for "modifying and redistributing the binaries" but it says nothing about porting it. That's assuming porting it is even possible, which I doubt it is.