Builder's Guides

Builder's Guides


Suggestion - Add other Shapes and an advanced marker?

Shadowkain85 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Would it be possible to have other shapes available in the shape marker, specifically triangles hexagons and octagons?

By Advanced marker i mean clicking on the Advanced Marker with a block in hand it would place the block down for you, and shift clicking would place the entire lines/shapes/frames worth of blocks down. To prevent this being abused in single player the blocks could be removed from your inventory?


Originally I had not intended to support the shape marker as I didn't want to tread on the OpenBlocks Building Guide. However someone convinced me to add limited support.

To be honest, I'd add more, but it is mainly getting the code written to convert the maths to blocks. So I'd like to add to it, but it could be a while.

I've had a few people ask about creating a "block placer" extension, but I'm not too keen on the idea. It sort of strays away from what I intended for the mod to be, which was a companion to OpenBlocks. So I probably would not be adding that.


That's fair enough, worth asking in any case. I suggested it as a way of trying to get some basic shape building tools instead of using world edit or building wands. My thoughts were it would make an tech extension rather than a magic themed build :D