Exchanging gadget dosen't work in the nether.
NJM1564 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Playing all the mods 9 and Exchanging gadget doesn't work in the nether.
Building gadget is working fine though.
Destruction gadget's undo doesn't seem to work at all.
Exchanger not working in the Nether should be fixed in the next version. (v0.2.5)
Destruction Gadget undo not working -- I can't replicate this. Can you provide more details on how you caused it?
Got destruction gadget issue fixed. Turned out the pack has a second entry in key configs for undo. Mouse over only listed it as "Building Tool". No look up in NEI/JEI (what ever it is called now a days). Pack recycles a lot of configs from the ATM8, so could be for something that only existed in that pack. Or it's referencing something left over from Building gadgets 1.
Full keybind listing for the "Building tool" is as follows.
Open building Tool GUI: Default key [R]
Redo: Default keyn [Ctrl+R]
Undo: Default key [Ctrl+Z]