Import your mod to Minecraft China
Jerry1145yard opened this issue · 11 comments
There is a lack of mods in the Chinese version of Minecraft JAVA Edition, can you use it with me for commercial purposes to transfer to the Chinese version of Minecraft? I will keep your chats with me confidential (to get approval) and credit you as the original author.
Commercial use of my code or art is strictly prohibited by the license that this mod falls under.
You misunderstood, it's not what you think, I'm not using your MOD for commercial purposes, reprinting it on the Chinese version of the platform for commercial reprinting, not using your code and art for commercial purposes, I'm just a mod
As long as it's free and you follow the license yes you're allowed. Do note that the license requires that you provide the license when you post the mod. You can use this link: License
The license on the github page seems to have gotten broken, I'll fix this.