[Suggestion] Simplify honey pot recipe
MarioSMB opened this issue ยท 0 comments
First of all, I absolutely adore the honey pot and its functionality - I've even gone so far as to disable the vanilla honey block recipe in favour of mixing honey in the pot to obtain them! The following suggestion is a bit nitpicky, but I believe it would improve the experience slightly:
I think it would make sense to not require honeycombs in the crafting recipe for honey pots; unlike beehives, the honey pot isn't designed for bees, so there is no need to install a honeycomb in there (players will need to obtain honey anyway to make use of it). The cheaper recipe would give players more incentive to make and use a honey pot where they might otherwise skip it for convenience, further integrating it with regular gameplay.
Additionally, this would allow introducing an apiarist to player-made villages and by extension allow bees to be brought into the area without first needing to clip a beehive of its honeycombs in the wild, making progression ever so slightly less linear and convenient for remote locations.
In my humble opinion, if Mojang were to introduce this feature into the base game, I don't believe they would include honeycombs in the crafting recipe, so I hope this change can be considered. Thank you.