Bygone Nether

Bygone Nether


[1.18.2] Crashes with Amplified Nether

DoctorMage opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the Bug

Example seed -2709617820162703822
/tp -10752 -51 -26112 Nether Coordsa

Going beyond vanilla nether build limit in basalt biomes will cause the game to crash

Reproduction Steps

  1. Enter Nether
  2. Find Basalt Biome go beyond vanilla build limit


Expected Result

  1. Enter Nether
  2. Find Basalt Biome go beyond vanilla build limit
  3. Game does not crash

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Mod Loader Version

Forge 40.2.9

Other Mods

Bygone Nether

Additional Context

I have tested the same seed and coordinates in 1.19.2 and it seems fine

Unsure which mod to report this to so reported to both


Explanation: My mod originally contained a modded fortress that could spawn in basalt deltas, and I borrowed Repurposed structure's mixin to keep basalt columns from littering my structure. However, I extracted the modded fortress into its own mod, but forgot to remove the fortress from the NO_BASALT tag. Vanilla fortress are not jigsaw, but procedural, so this caused accessing chunks outside the 3x3 bounds.


I'll have this fixed in my latest version. But, because this is a datapack issue, you can remove mincraft:fortress from data/bygonenether/tags/worldgen/configured_structure_feature/no_basalt.json to fix this issue before my next release.


Fixed in a6a61f3


Yes, this seems to be a problem with my mixin for keeping basalt features our of my structures. Fix pending