Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)

Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)


Mobcap reported wrongly on high thread setting

ReyShikufu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was testing this mod on a 32 thread system, mobcap in the nether was being reporting wrongly, resulting in aggressive mob not spawning anymore (Was around a constant 160/70max).

Setting the mod up to 16 threads seem to leverage the issue

Tested on version alpha.7.18

(stats were gotten with Carpet Mod)


I have noticed this issue, or one similar to it. My problem was that no tick view distance when enabled would not despawn hostile mobs that got to far away from the player since they would not be ticked, but still counted to the mob cap. This happened because I had my server simulation distance set to 8 chunks or 128 blocks which is the despawn range. If you disable no tick view distance in the config does it fix your problem?


It seem to have solved the issue on several farms, thank you!