Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)

Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric)


Game won't start with Twilight forest 1.19.2 Quilt (Incompatibility?)

Fwexzy opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Runtime info:

  • Win 10
  • Minecraft version 1.19.2
  • Mod version: [0.2.0+alpha.9]

Crash reports / logs



@Fwexzy This is not a Quilt incompatibility. This is Fabric Twilight Forests specifically telling the game it cannot be ran with C2ME

This means the Fabric Twilight Forest devs have found that their mod has issues with C2ME and determined that it would be best to prevent users from running the two mods on together. You should reach out to the Fabric Twilight Forest devs to ask what that reason was if you wish to know more


This is a currently known issue on twilight forest currently not supporting threaded worldgen. This is the main reason they prevent users from running these two mods together.
A fix is probably on its way but no ETA will be given.

Duplicate of #157