Caelus API (Fabric) (Discontinued)

Caelus API (Fabric) (Discontinued)


Elytra model doesn't render on Armor Stands

Guardian259 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Elytras making use of RenderElytraCallback currently cannot render on Armorstands as RenderElytraCallback only has a listener for the PlayerEntity and does not include the ArmorStandEntity

Vanilla Elytras are fully capable of being displayed on Armorstands and as such an addition to the RenderElytraCallback event to allow for rendering on Armorstands will add both parity to the vanilla mechanics, as well as, offer more for modders to work with.


As of 1.17, I've decided that rendering management is now outside the scope of Caelus in order to focus purely on functionality and minimize bloat. Implementations should provide their own renderers if necessary.


So I thought about how I could implement this smoothly, but I think I'll wait until I refactor some of the rendering for the 1.17 port. I don't want to risk breaking any current implementations and I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the callback/feature renderer in the future in favor of having consumers provide their own feature renderers and integrating with those.

In the meantime, to enable rendering on armor stands, implementations will just have to provide their own ElytraFeatureRenderer themselves.