Optifine Cape is not shown
Zijuna opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Caelus: 1.15.2-20-beta2
Forge: 31.2.0
Optifine: 1.15.2 U_G1_pre22
(On Linux)
The Optifine Cape is invisible, though the texture renders properly when Elytra is equipped.
The Optifine Cape should be visible at all times except when equipping an elytra.
The bug should show as soon as you install both caelus and optifine and activate the cape.
Theres no real crash report but I can attach the regular game log, if that might help?
Hello Zijuna!
I was able to solve this issue now I am waiting for the branch to be merged. You can clone Caelus fork from my account and compile it by yourself.
Duplicate of #5