Ticking Entity
BuilderDan opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Versions (Be specific, do not write "latest"):
- Caelus: caelus-FORGE-1.14.3-0.9.jar
- Forge: forge-27.0.16
Observed Behavior:
Expected Behavior:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Crashed randomly. Only entities in my area that I knew of was the wandering trader and its llamas
- For it not to crash randomly.
- Not 100% sure, seems like just playing it might randomly occur. Sorry, I know this is very unhelpful. (Appears it was a bat)
Crash Log: https://pastebin.com/cDrLTt8r
Is there a reason that you suspect this is a Caelus issue? Can you reproduce this with just Caelus installed? As far as I can tell, it's not called in the stacktrace. It seems like the crash was due to a bat trying to drop a null item on death and Caelus doesn't touch any of that logic. I'll need some more evidence that this is an issue on my end before proceeding further.
You could also try to update Forge, the latest version is 27.0.51, and see if that resolves your issue.
I'll keep an eye on it if it persists then I will do solo testing with just Cealus. (the only reason I suspected Cealus was that it said it in the crash report.)