Camera Mod

Camera Mod


game crash 1.15.2

thefoodunicorn opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bug description
This bug happens what I try and upload a photo on any 1.15.2 version of this mod

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. open game with mod installed upload photo button
  2. the game crashes
    Expected behavior
    I expected the mod too work it docent only with 1.16.4

Log files
I don't know how to paste the log file here but the issue seems to be with java since it says java quit unexpectedly


  • Minecraft version 1.15.2
  • Forge version 31.2.0
  • Mod version tried with multiple versions even the newest does it
  • iOS version Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6
    Other mods
    tested with other mods and standalone

please fix this issue asap as I need this mod for 1.15.2 (all my other mods are for that version)


Thanks for reporting this issue. Should be fixed in the next version.