Camera Mod

Camera Mod


Can't Upload Custom Image on Linux (Debian Ubuntu Distro)

Santeeag0 opened this issue · 14 comments


Bug description
When Sneak Right Clicking with the Camera and Clicking Upload Image Nothing Happens

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Go to 'Sneak Right Click Camera'
  2. Click on 'Upload Image'
  3. Nothing Happens

Expected behavior
I've used this mod on windows and it opens the file explorer as expected, but on my Linux system I'm not prompted with anything to allow me to upload my custom image.

Log files


  • Minecraft version: 1.16.5
  • Forge version: 36.2.2
  • Mod version: Camera Mod 1.16.5-1.0.14

Other mods

Screenshots (Optional)




I need your logs.


I need your logs.

Not at my main computer at the moment but ill upload them when i get back to it. Which logs to be specific? Just to make sure im giving the information you need.



Okay ill upload them as soon as i get home thank you!


Can you reproduce this issue without any other mods and send me the logs of that please?


Can you reproduce this issue without any other mods and send me the logs of that please?

Yes i can, I’ll upload the log once i do so.


I am not able to reproduce this issue (Haven't tried ubuntu specifically).

Does this happen without any other mods?
Can you try it with the vanilla minecraft launcher?
Are you using wayland?


Yes it happens with only the Camera Mod Installed. I can, I used gdlauncher for those logs so Ill try out the vanilla launcher, Pretty sure wayland is disabled by default on my os (popos)


Also if you cant figure it out or is too much of a hassle its fine I definitely understand I love the mod and the work you’ve put into it! If anything i can just use a windows machine and upload my custome image from there lol


I was not able to figure out how to get forge installed to the vanilla launcher so I couldnt test it.


I am using Ubuntu and uploading works for me (Tested with Unity Desktop Manager)


I am using Ubuntu and uploading works for me (Tested with Unity Desktop Manager)

Alright, thanks for letting me know.