Camera Mod

Camera Mod


A way to track who uploads what.

jpwanabe opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It would be extremely helpful to trap who has uploaded what image somewhere in the server other then the item itself. Maybe in the log folder in a separate file/folder. We have had someone upload some very illegal and disturbing images to our server and have disabled all uploads as of now. They managed to remove their name from the image somehow. Being able to know who uploaded the images would allow us to remove this person from our community. As of right now I don't know who did it.


So I found out why the uploaded name was blank on the image it self. The player who uploaded it originally used a RS crafter to copy it and it lost the name. Still don't know who did the pic in the first place though.


Yikes, I was worried about this happening on my server.


This is exactly why I have upload disabled.

I recommend not only tracking who uploads, but add additional safeguards. Such safeguards as a toggle to only allow OPs to upload, allow a permission that can be given to specific players, and have uploaded images require verification or approval before an image is accepted.