Camera Mod

Camera Mod


Sorry, I'm new to Github. I only found this way to ask.

Zet7000 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Bug description

How can I make images larger than 8x8?

If possible, what part of this code do I edit? (camera-server.toml)

#The time in milliseconds the camera will be on cooldown after taking an image
#Range: > 100
cooldown = 5000

	#The amount of the item that is consumed when taking an image
	#Range: 1 ~ 32767
	amount = 1

#The maximum size of an image in bytes when transferred to the server
#Higher values mean more delay/lag between taking an image and getting it into your inventory
#Range: 50000 ~ 1000000
max_size = 200000
#The amount of jpeg compression applied to the image
#If the image exceeds the 'max_image_size', it will get compressed anyways
#Range: 0.1 ~ 1.0
compression = 0.5
#If it is allowed to upload custom images
allow_upload = true

#If only the owner can modify or break the image frame
only_owner_modify = false

#If the image items should store additional data
#This isn't used by the mod itself
#Only enable this if you know what you are doing
enable = false
#The amount of entities that should be stored
#Range: 1 ~ 128
max_entities = 16

Minecraft version


Mod version


Mod loader and version


Steps to reproduce


Expected behavior

No response

Log files



No response


Thats the maximum size.