Canvas Renderer

Canvas Renderer


Entities rendered by mods are missing shaders

Pyrofab opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Initially reported as Ladysnake/Requiem#217

Requiem allows possessing an entity, which causes it to render in place of the player. This is what the entity looks like before possession :
Before possession screenshot
And this is what it looks like during possession :
During possession screenshot
Relevant code:


When this entity is being rendered, is the entity still a PlayerEntity?

Material maps are currently applied based on the entity type, so any maps that apply to possessed mob won't be applied to the player entity.

Some way is needed around this, but it will probably have to be crude and imprecise - keying off entity texture for example - because entities don't have model identifiers distinct from the entity type.

Open to ideas on how this should work.


The player render cancels itself and renders the entity instead, so yes and no ? It's a real entity that is being rendered.