Canvas Renderer

Canvas Renderer


Some issues relating to shadows on the development pipeline

sucroseMC opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I put all of these into one issue because i don't feel like flooding the issue tracker. That aside, here are the issues in question

Shadows aren't applied around the edge of overlay textures:
2021-06-19_07 08 19

Foliage isn't affected by shadows or sunrise/sunset tint:
2021-06-19_07 11 27

Shadows disappear when the direction the player is facing is opposite to what is casting the shadow:
2021-06-19_07 13 00
The same area from the screenshot above, taken from a different angle to highlight the bug:
2021-06-19_07 13 07


Thank you for posting a summary. Shadows are still in active development. The first issue is new to me, but the rest should be addressed by work in progress.


First of all, thanks for your effort on Canvas, so stoked about the prospect of not having to use opti-fabric!

I'm testing out Canvas + Lumi and this (well, the last of the issues listed is OP) is the sole issue that is preventing me from ditching optifine right meow :) Any indication on where this issue sits in the priority queue?


iirc Grondag is working on some kind of occlusion refactor at the moment. I haven't looked at the code (mobile is bad) but it might have something to do with fixing the shadows.