Canvas Entity Culling Feature is incompatible with First person mod
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- Minecraft Version: 1.17.1
- Canvas Version: 1.0.1762
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bits
- Graphics Card: GTX1060 6GB
Other mods and versions installed
- Fabric API - 0.36.1
- Illumination - 1.5.2
- CraftPresence - 1.8.2
- Entity Culling - 1.3.2 (Overwritten by Canvas Renderer's Entity Culling Feature) and (Doesn't cause this issue)
- Cloth API - 2.0.54
- CleanView v1 (1.17.1)
- Damage Tint - 1.1.0
- Pling - 1.4.0
- Slight GUI Modifications - 2.0.1
- Anti-Ghost block - 1.1.4
- FallingLeaves - 1.7.2
- Krypton - 0.1.4
- First Person Mod*** (This one has an issue: Invisible First-Person Body model)
- Client-side Note block - 2.0
- Bobby - 2.0.1 (Unactivated)
- Name Pain - 1.4.0
- Dynamic FPS - 2.0.4
- FastFurnace - 3.0
- Damage Tilt - 0.1.2
- Better Dropped Items - 1.3.0
- Mod Menu - 2.0.2
- Extra Sounds - 1.4.1
- Smooth Boot - 1.6.0
- TRansliterationLib - 1.1.0
- Not Enough Animation - 1.3.0
- YOSBR - 0.1.1
- Presence Footsteps - r31
- Cull Leaves - 2.2.0
- Item Model Fix - 1.0.2
How you triggered the behavior
- Install Minecraft with Canvas Renderer and First person mod, then Launch the game.
- In Canvas Renderer Mod Options, Enable Entity Culling.
- Play in the Singleplayer or 2B2T server or wherever you want to play.
What you expected would happen
- Everything works completely fine.
What actually happened
- The First-person body model was missing
Logs and screenshots
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