ME Capability Adapter

ME Capability Adapter


ME Capability Adapter randomly auto disable

programgames opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm playing Enigmatica 2 Expert 1.82a with the latest version of MECapabilityAdapter ( I manually updated it ).
So I have capabilityadapter-1.1.1 and appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7 on a server.

I have multiples ( 7 actually ) Me Capability Adapter with some thermal, mekanism, nuclearcraft, immersive machines.
Sometimes, the Me Capability Adapter stop functioning just after changing the AE network in the compact machine, for example : adding a smart cable, put an pattern in a ME interface...
After that I have to break all the adapters in the overworld and replace them again. I tried to just cut the energy coming to the AE network and then powering it again but nothing change I still add the break/replace the adapter.
It's like the state of the adapter is lost after some AE events or something like that.

Do you have an idea of what is going on or do you need any pictures?


Well, I ruled out some problems by not connecting Me capability adapter with multiples Compact machines and force-chunk loading in compact machines, the problem seems to be gone, I will tell you if the problem still happens.