Carpenter's Blocks

Carpenter's Blocks


block.blockair cannot be cast to carpentersblocks.block.blockcoverable

TheQuadShot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm not sure this is your issue, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

I updated forge and a bunch of other mods, and added BOP to the "mod pack", so I think this is connected to my "rebuilding" almost the entire mod pack. Any ideas how I can fix this? I still have the old environment so I'm wondering if I have to go there and remove all of my carpenter blocks, then migrate and rebuild, not something I really want to do.


It should be fine. So far the only bug I am aware of is safes that occasionally are indestructible.


Use the development build.


That cleared that issue, Thanks! is it ok to continue to run that build? It's now crashing in the MpServer, and BOP. Oh well, I was kind of expecting it.Thanks again for your help!