Animals not spawning when they should be
WaveSmashies opened this issue · 12 comments
Here's a couple screenshots of the setup. The seed is 123. Targeting the block closest to the middle of the 8x8 grass platform shows it's at 7, 64, 51. It's in a Taiga biome. I gathered enough eggs to preserve my chickens, then killed them all and used Redstone Lamps to disable the big mob grinder. There are no other mobs in the world. I have no idea why nothing is spawning. I'm hanging out within 64 blocks so I really don't know. The wiki claims all requirements are met. I can't make the spawn platform any bigger as it's already using all but 5 of ALL the dirt blocks I have in the world.
EDIT: I checked with the Minecraft Discord server and they were no help, big surprise. But googling this issue yields no helpful results.
EDIT 2: OK APPARENTLY IT JUST TAKES LIKE 3-4 HOURS OF AFK GOD DAMMIT. I got 2 sheep and 2 cows after a 3ish hour AFK session doing something else on my PC and looking at MC now and then. On top of the at least 5 hours yesterday playing my world without getting anything. Guff.
Well, I'll take a look, but I don't think I have any passive mob other than 2 cows and 2 pigs. Bees may have escaped that tend to that if they are not locked up they go to the bottom of the world, but otherwise I have no more creatures. I would love to know where you get all that information to look at it myself, because many times I look for information and I can't find it.
Animal spawns are very slow, but you can greatly increase the spawning speed of both them and hostile mobs by building your spawning areas lower in the world. Essentially, the chance of a mob spawning on a block is proportional to 1/(the highest block at that x,z coordinate + 64). If your grass was at y=-64, you spawns would occur about 128x faster.
Also, the mobs in the grinder wouldn't impact animal spawns because the monster and animal mobcaps are different.
Didn't they remove or at least change that mechanic in 1.17 or something? I'm on 1.20.1.
I figured the mobs wouldn't effect the animals spawning but I wanted to be sure.
They changed to be height independent in 1.18 experimental snapshot 3, but reverted it in snapshot 5.
Lower is better, but they should spawn even at higher altitudes eventually if the light is greater than 8.
Foxes can spawn on grass blocks, snow layers, snow blocks, podzol, or coarse dirt. In a taiga biome, they are the only animals that spawn on snow layers, podzol, or coarse dirt. Assuming you don't have much podzol or coarse dirt available, you can use any other block like planks, prismarine, or slime blocks (that doesn't allow the other animals to spawn) covered in snow layers. Only foxes will spawn.
You'll want to check that your animal mobcap isn't already full if spawning is taking too long. On the F3 screen, on the line beginning with "SC", the number after "C:" will tell you how full the creature mobcap is. If it is 10 or higher, no animals will spawn.
They changed to be height independent in 1.18 experimental snapshot 3, but reverted it in snapshot 5.
Oh guff. Thanks letting me know. I bit the bullet and spent AGES moving my spawn platform down and building a water elevator to get the animals up and it does spawn quicker.
Yo tengo un problema similar. He buscado un bioma de arboleda donde solo se supone que aparecen, zorros, lobos y conejos, pero me tuve que ir a altura 98 por qué debajo de esa altura es todo cuevas de stalactitas y no aparece nada, por más que amplio la zona. Otra duda que tengo, en bloques de nieve pueden aparecer estos mobs? Por qué yo vi un vídeo de Ilmango y a el si le aparecen mobs en bloques con nieve.
Thank you for your help, after C it put 39, but I have killed almost all the animals I have, including cats and even so it puts 9, as far as I know I don't have 9 animals... I don't know if you are telling me the squids or fish that appear in the water areas that I have made. I have also created a platform in several biomes and nothing appears. I need cabaras and x
Creatures include:
Allays, bees, camels, cats, chickens, cows, donkeys, foxes, frogs, goats, horses, llamas, mooshrooms, mules, ocelots, pandas, parrots, pigs, polar bears, rabbits, sheep, skeleton horses, sniffers, striders, tadpoles, trader llamas, turtles, wandering traders, and wolves.
They must be in loaded chunks to count (including spawn chunks). You can take them out of the mobcap by putting them in boats or naming them.
If you can't find them, you can run the carpet command /spawn entities creature
which will show you what is in the mobcap and where they are.
With the cap at 9, it is less than 10, so foxes should still spawn (and can pack spawn more than 1).
Unfortunately, I don't know a good place this is documented. Some I picked up from various technical videos etc. When I want to know, for example, where something can spawn or what counts to a mobcap, I check the code.
Well, I'll take a look, but I don't think I have any passive mob other than 2 cows and 2 pigs. Bees may have escaped that tend to that if they are not locked up they go to the bottom of the world, but otherwise I have no more creatures. I would love to know where you get all that information to look at it myself, because many times I look for information and I can't find it.
In my world, accidentally bonemealed the ground instead of my Sapling pretty early on. This made a flower appear. When I tried again on the sapling, I got a Hive and the 2 bees immediately sailed off into the void. I forgot about them for ages and only remembered them when I found them whilst trying to move my spawning platform to the bottom of the world. They weren't even visible from my main island and I had to get low to even see them. So I was required to use a Water Bucket and some arrows to snipe them from like 100 blocks away.
Yo, he mirado en mi mundo, donde las he tenido y no veo rastro de ellas, es más las que he llegado a ver en el fondo las he matado a flechazos, pero no sé si habrá más que no se vean... Los aldeanos no cuentan no? Por de estos si tengo bastantes.
PD: Acabo de comprobarlo bajando por una corriente de agua hasta el fondo del mundo y resulta que si que hay abejas vivas y no llegaban a verse jajaja. Gracias tus comentarios son siempre de gran ayuda.