Carpet TIS Addition

Carpet TIS Addition


Server crash

srnyx opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Server crashes when using the latest version of Carpet TIS Addition and regular Carpet on 1.16.5.

Downgrading to an earlier Carpet TIS Addition fixed it and the server didn't crash.


Please upload the full server log or show what mods u have installed, since it works fine for me with only carpet mods


Please upload the full server log or show what mods u have installed, since it works fine for me with only carpet mods

Log (it stops right before the crash error thing):
Mods (may not be all of them as I'm using /mods, a command from another mod [if there is another way to get a list of the mods, let me know]):


Man that's tons of mods, I will suggested u to figure out which mod that causes the conflict

Temporary fix: edit carpet-tis-addition.mixins.json in the .jar and remove the line rule.creativeOpenContainerForcibly.ChestBlockMixin, which will disable the funtionality of rule creativeOpenContainerForcibly for chest


Man that's tons of mods, I will suggested u to figure out which mod that causes the conflict

Temporary fix: edit carpet-tis-addition.mixins.json in the .jar and remove the line rule.creativeOpenContainerForcibly.ChestBlockMixin, which will disable the funtionality of rule creativeOpenContainerForcibly for chest

If it's something with chests, I have ExpandedStorage and InventorySorter installed.


If it's something with chests, I have ExpandedStorage and InventorySorter installed.

Try minimize the amount of mods that can cause the crash


Ok i found an issue... yarn doesn't like the method net.minecraft.block.ChestBlock#getBlockEntitySource and doesn't provide a intermediary mapping for this method at dedicated server run time, so the injection failed