Carpet TIS Addition

Carpet TIS Addition


Feature Suggestion: only non hostile mobs don't despawn in lazy chunks

nogutsnoglory69 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hey, could you add a variation of mobs don't despawn in lazy chunks that allows hostile mobs to despawn but no other types of mobs? I quite like that hostile mobs despawn in lazy chunks, so turning on that feature right now would be a bummer for me.


But that's vanilla - passive mobs already don't despawn at all. Pls close issue.


If @Fallen-Breath is not goint to add this, pls can you close this.


But that's vanilla - passive mobs already don't despawn at all. Pls close issue.

But Ambient and WaterCreature mobs do despawn. tho I'm not planning to add this rule since it's not that a general rule