starlight mod is not compatible with Carpet-TIS-Addition mod's command "/log lightQueue"
haha44444 opened this issue · 6 comments
Carpet-TIS-Addition's command "/log lightQueue" doesn't work when I add starlight mod to server. The values will all become 0 and will not change. Starlight mod completely rewrites minecraft's terrible lighting engine. Maybe this is the problem, can it be fixed, because the starlight mod is a big boost to my server. you know, in 1.18, the optimizations brought by the phosphor mod are not enough. thx.
you can find the starlight mod in here:
(其实是刚才搞错了把issue发到fabric-carpet那里去了,然后直接copy过来懒得再写一遍了 XD
这东西真的没法解决了嘛呜呜,看着难受(真的),可不可以这样,就是先判断是否使用了starlight mod,然后用starlight的算法重新计算光照(毕竟starlight这东西是open source的)
可以但没必要,因为既然都已经装了 startlight 了,那就完全不需要考虑光照抑制相关的游戏机制了,因此 lightQueue logger 相关的功能也是完全没必要的了