


Mixin priority conflict with Allure pistons limit function

kohanis opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: @at("CONSTANT") on net/minecraft/class_2674::pushLimit with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/class_2674::method_11540(Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;)Z merged by net.Shad0w.Allure.mixin.PistonHandlerMixin with priority 1000 [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> carpet.mixins.json:PistonHandler_pushLimitMixin -> Prepare Injections -> -> constant$bjd000$pushLimit(I)I -> Prepare]
Conflict with piston limit mixin and same priority
mod names Allure
i would like to use ur mechs, it's the same and more+, so, can u increase priority?


I could look into that. Funily, allure mod doesn't advertise any feature they do with pistons, but I may not found that.


Pickaxes are now the effective tool for pistons: The mining speed by hand hasn't changed, it is much faster now to break with a pickaxe.

Yeah, this's not limit, my mistake. There's even a comment from november 14, but the author says that he can't do nothing about it


got closed automatically with my commit, will close when released and works


Oh, overwrite, i see. Sad. I like some features, but they aren't worth the problems it creates. Can't be normally solved from this side, anyway, but thanks for try


I looked at Allure's mixin code. Its not a mod that is intended to cooperate with other mods. The change in question is to introduce other types of slime blocks. The way they coded them in makes so that other mods cannot apply their changes to pistons.