Carry On

Carry On


carryon-forge-1.20.1- requires forge 46<x<47.1.3 (inclusive), but the previous version carryon-forge-1.20.1- could use the latest forge versions 47.1.44 and 47.1.46

Daltaxy opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I don't know if it is intended that it can't run with the latest forge version yet, but it sounds odd, precisely because the mod was updated, and that the previous mod version ran without issues on the latest version of forge (47.1.44 at the time) for me

Steps to Reproduce

Update to the latest version of CarryOn mentioned in the title and below

Version of Minecraft, Carry On, Forge/Fabric

Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge 47.1.46 and 47.1.44

Screenshots encouraged

latest carryon version carryon-forge-1.20.1-

previous carryon version carryon-forge-1.20.1-


It is actually intended. In case you don't know, forge has been forked into NeoForge and the old Forge is only really being maintained by the owner. He is just merging code randomly which has made newer forge versions unstable. The last stable forge version is 47.1.3.
Check this out: