1.21.1 backport?
MotMomet opened this issue · 12 comments
If possible a backport of 3.0.1 to MC version 1.20.1 would also be very appreciated.
1.21.1 skipped for some reason isn't it? 😞 maybe it's easier to maintain the 1.21.3 rather than making each fix for each version. Still waiting for 1.21.1 backport..
Would like to add my support for a 1.21.1 version as well.
forks? tell me if you've done it. i would be very appreciated.
I'll do it on Friday, got no internet at the moment.
didn't mean to rush or anything, u're doing good? just asking...
Sorry just been really busy, hoping to push the release today, provided all goes well! Thanks for understanding