Cave Dweller Issues
StarWill01 opened this issue ยท 14 comments
Hello! I downloaded the 1.19.2 version of your ported mod but the issue is that the entity does not do anything, no sound effects, does not spawn normally, anything like the original 1.19.3 mod. How do I fix this issue?
Also make sure you're using a Forge modding instance and the timers are not set too high if you've modified them
If it has something to do with the timer and it taking to long to start, where in the file is that?
I have not modified anything to the code and I am using forge, the issue is the cave dweller is not active, when I enter a cave there are no sound effects or anything that shows he is there. Spawning him in with an egg works but not in survival.
Timers can be configured in the server config
The spawn timer by default can be between 5 - 10 minutes with a 40 % chance of it being 20 minutes
I want to make it the same as the original mod but I am not sure which number I would switch it to.
The # lines are comments and tell you what that config option is and which values you can pick
You need to edit the line below those comments
Oh alright, that makes a lot more sense. To make it just like the cavenoise-nightmare, would I just change the numbers under reset_calm_min, reset_calm_max, reset_calm_cooldown_chance, reset_calm_cooldown and also the sound timers to remove a zero (300 would be 30)? I recall you stating that above^
yes those are the timers
removing a 0 was about the original timers, i used slightly different ones
e.g. 5-10 minutes instead of 8-18