Cavern II

Cavern II


customize which biomes spawn in the caverns

MCJediYoda opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am checking out Cavern 2 v2.0.2. How can I customize which Biomes spawn in the Cavern dimensions?
I was exploring the Caveland dimension and found Abyssalcraft Darklands Mountain biome. I would like to have a few biomes from BiomesOPlenty and limit the AquaCavern to Oceans/DeepOceans. Changing cavern-biomes.cfg doesn't seem to affect what biomes can spawn. maybe a whitelist/blacklist for biomes?


If you change the biome type to square, only customized biomes will allow to generate in the dimension.
But, natural type cannot do it, and I will eventually improve this.


ah thanks. I'll give this a try.