Please have an option for whitelist
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I have 14,000 lines of blacklist, and items that are blacklisted are still dropping on occasion because of the way the mod authors program things, like Forestry and Thermal Expansion.
Please let us configure a whtelist instead.
Please, this mod is going to ruin servers, even with blacklisting so many items a player got a creative capacitor.
Here is my 500k filesize blacklist-
To be fair, whereas you are calling out TE specifically...I checked your file, you just straight up aren't blacklisting the metadata entry for Creative, which is 32000.
Having said that - yes, whitelist is absolutely the way to go here and this is a very common sense request.
I am begging you, please add a whitelist so we can do away with the blacklist, it is monumental to maintain, and players keep getting items that they are not supposed to have, some of which cause crashes.