Cant controll player and see player as 3rd person
mcenderdragon opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Minecraft Version
This only happens in custom dimensions with custom worldgen. I have no idea what is happening but removing CC:Tweaked fixes the issue and I have only encountered it with CC so far. I have no idea why its only happening in 1 dimension and not any others. vanilla and json dimension with vanilla worldgen work fine.
Logs dot contain anything interesting.
also debugging and stepping trough everything hasnt showed anything usefull.
this code does this
public void airOverlayPre(RenderGameOverlayEvent.PreLayer event)
//FIXME: there is now a IIngameOverlay for this
if(event.getOverlay() == ForgeIngameGui.AIR_LEVEL_ELEMENT)
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
Entity e = mc.getCameraEntity();
if(mc.player == e)
//Minecraft.getInstance().setCameraEntity(new FakePlayerSP(mc.player));
public void airOverlayPost(RenderGameOverlayEvent.PreLayer event)
if(event.getOverlay() == ForgeIngameGui.AIR_LEVEL_ELEMENT)
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
if(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdate < 2000)
int guiX=0, guiY=0;
guiX = Minecraft.getInstance().getWindow().getGuiScaledWidth()/2;
guiY = Minecraft.getInstance().getWindow().getGuiScaledHeight()-59;
int tank = Math.round(20 * tankFill);
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
int id = tank >= 2 ? 30 : tank >= 1 ? 31 : 32;
HelperComponent.renderSymbol(event.getMatrixStack(), guiX + 83 -8 * (i), guiY, 0, id);//id 30-32
tank -= 2;
for some reasons this breaks when CC:tweaked is installed
I managed to isolate this further I think - i only happens in combination with registered planets (when I reigster them)