CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Ability to copy new computers within a disk drive

kepler155c opened this issue ยท 9 comments


To quickly duplicate computers, turtles, etc. It would be nice if you were able to label a computer in a disk drive. Right now, to duplicate a turtle, you have to place the turtle, label the turtle, then put in a drive to copy over files.


I thought you could label them like disks?



Yeah, I remember talking with SquidDev about this back in PB2 days; I can't remember exactly what he said but perhaps a solution would be to give a computer an ID once it is labelled.

One concern, though, is that this would make it trivial to fill up all IDs on a server.


Since the computer does not have an ID yet, it doesn't give you a mount where you can copy files. So, maybe it's more of an ID issue ?


Couldn't you also fill up all the IDs on a server by using a turtle to place a computer, start it (computer.turnOn()), break it and repeat?


What is the purpose of having to label a computer before it saves files? There are very few occasions where this could be useful - but I've seen many people lose work due to forgetting to label a computer.

IMO - labels should be optional. This would also reduce confusion for new users as they will not lose work the first time they attempt to program something (not knowing about the label command).


@kepler155c Yeah, this is something I've been thinking for a while. It's a really weird design decision to reset them, given that CC has always strived to be beginner friendly.

That said, it's not a change I want to take lightly. People who have used the mod before expect it to act in a specific way, so I definitely want to make sure it's something people agree with first :).


To fix the new user deletes their code, you could always bundle autolabel with CC, perhaps with a config option to not have it run on startup.


This also affects Neural Computers from Plethora.