CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


AgriCraft CCSA Peripheral Not Working

thehappybub opened this issue ยท 4 comments



CC: Tweaked Computers and Turtles are unable to wrap to adjacent Computer Controlled Seed Analyzers (CCSA). Not a problem with regular CC. I do not see the issue posted on the AgriCraft GitHub issues page, but I will post it there too.


peripherals.getNames() yields "attempt to index global 'peripherals' (a nil value)

Similarly, a program 'startup' on a computer placed on top of the CCSA block:

analyzer = peripheral.wrap("bottom")

Returns "attempt to index global 'analyzer' (a nil value)

Useful information to include:

  • Minecraft version 1.12.2
  • CC: Tweaked version 1.14

That's really weird that you're able to get it working with normal ComputerCraft - it looks like the CC integration was removed some time ago, and only OC support remains. I'll have a fiddle and see what I can find.


Thanks! Such speedy replies!


peripherals.getNames() yields "attempt to index global 'peripherals' (a nil value)

This is expected, the proper command is peripheral.getNames()

Remember that being exact is important when coding, and small issues (like adding an s where it shouldn't be) will cause errors like that to appear.


Closing as sadly there is nothing I can do here - Agricraft needs to add back their ComputerCraft compatibility.