CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


Calling peripheral.wrap on an inventory and calling the list method in a coroutine seems to have an odd behaviour

Shiranuit opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft Version



[1.19.2] 1.101.1


I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm not understanding how this works

If you are placing a chest next to a computer and wrap it as a peripheral.
Then you try to call the list method of the inventory peripheral inside a coroutine, which yields the coroutine.
The first call to coroutine.resume then return true, "task_complete" which means a task_complete event has been emitted and contains the result of the call to list.

There are multiple thing that seems odd:

  • When the call to list() occurs it yield with task_complete but does not give a task_id which means if there are multiple task_complete event we cannot know which result belong to our coroutine
  • Resuming the coroutine after that doesn't do anything, even though there is still code that needs to be executed after the first yield
  • The coroutine is marked as suspended and doesn't seems to end at any point in time after

I tried to find what could be causing this in the source code but wasn't able to find if this was intended or not, I didn't have much time to look deeply into it.

local p = peripheral.wrap("right") -- chest

local co = coroutine.create(function()
    print("before") -- Print "before"
    local list = p.list() -- Yields the coroutine
    print("after") -- Unfortunately does not come here event after resuming the coroutine another time
    for k, v in pairs(list) do
        print(k, v)

print(coroutine.resume(co)) -- success, task_complete
local event, task_id, success, list = os.pullEvent("task_complete")
print(coroutine.status(co)) -- suspended
coroutine.resume(co, list)  -- resumes the coroutine with the obtained list of items, but nothing happens