CC: Tweaked

CC: Tweaked


ATM8 - Enable HTTP not working serverside

Nonen7 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version





I am not able to activate http serversided. I multiple started the server new and checked all config files.
I tried executing following cmd: pastebin get YnZf1HAR startup
Defaultconfigs file:
#The disk space limit for computers and turtles, in bytes
computer_space_limit = 1000000
#The disk space limit for floppy disks, in bytes
floppy_space_limit = 125000
#Set how many files a computer can have open at the same time. Set to 0 for unlimited.
#Range: > 0
maximum_open_files = 128
#Set this to true to disable Lua 5.1 functions that will be removed in a future update. Useful for ensuring forward compatibility of your programs now.
disable_lua51_features = false
#A comma separated list of default system settings to set on new computers. Example: "shell.autocomplete=false,lua.autocomplete=false,edit.autocomplete=false" will disable all autocompletion
default_computer_settings = ""
#Log exceptions thrown by peripherals and other Lua objects.
#This makes it easier for mod authors to debug problems, but may result in log spam should people use buggy methods.
log_computer_errors = true
#Require players to be in creative mode and be opped in order to interact with command computers.This is the default behaviour for vanilla's Command blocks.
command_require_creative = true

#Controls execution behaviour of computers. This is largely intended for fine-tuning servers, and generally shouldn't need to be touched
#Set the number of threads computers can run on. A higher number means more computers can run at once, but may induce lag.
#Please note that some mods may not work with a thread count higher than 1. Use with caution.
#Range: > 1
computer_threads = 1
#The maximum time that can be spent executing tasks in a single tick, in milliseconds.
#Note, we will quite possibly go over this limit, as there's no way to tell how long a will take - this aims to be the upper bound of the average time.
#Range: > 1
max_main_global_time = 10
#The ideal maximum time a computer can execute for in a tick, in milliseconds.
#Note, we will quite possibly go over this limit, as there's no way to tell how long a will take - this aims to be the upper bound of the average time.
#Range: > 1
max_main_computer_time = 5

#Controls the HTTP API
#Enable the "http" API on Computers (see "rules" for more fine grained control than this).
enabled = true
#Enable use of http websockets. This requires the "http_enable" option to also be true.
websocket_enabled = true
#The number of http requests a computer can make at one time. Additional requests will be queued, and sent when the running requests have finished. Set to 0 for unlimited.
#Range: > 0
max_requests = 16
#The number of websockets a computer can have open at one time. Set to 0 for unlimited.
#Range: > 1
max_websockets = 4

#Limits bandwidth used by computers
	#The number of bytes which can be downloaded in a second. This is shared across all computers. (bytes/s)
	#Range: > 1
	global_download = 33554432
	#The number of bytes which can be uploaded in a second. This is shared across all computers. (bytes/s)
	#Range: > 1
	global_upload = 33554432

#A list of rules which control behaviour of the "http" API for specific domains or IPs.
#Each rule is an item with a 'host' to match against, and a series of properties. The host may be a domain name 
#wildcard ("*") or CIDR notation (""). If no rules, the domain is blocked.
    host = "$private"
    action = "deny"

	#An exception for just pastebin
    host = "*"
    action = "allow"
	#The maximum size (in bytes) that a computer can send or receive in one websocket packet.
	max_websocket_message = 131072
	host = "*"
	#The maximum size (in bytes) that a computer can upload in a single request. This includes headers and POST text.
	max_upload = 4194304
	action = "allow"
	#The maximum size (in bytes) that a computer can download in a single request. Note that responses may receive more data than allowed, but this data will not be returned to the client.
	max_download = 16777216
	#The period of time (in milliseconds) to wait before a HTTP request times out. Set to 0 for unlimited.
	timeout = 30000

#Various options relating to peripherals.
#Enable Command Block peripheral support
command_block_enabled = false
#The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in clear weather, in meters
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
modem_range = 64
#The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in clear weather, in meters
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
modem_high_altitude_range = 384
#The range of Wireless Modems at low altitude in stormy weather, in meters
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
modem_range_during_storm = 64
#The range of Wireless Modems at maximum altitude in stormy weather, in meters
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
modem_high_altitude_range_during_storm = 384
#Maximum amount of notes a speaker can play at once
#Range: > 1
max_notes_per_tick = 8
#The limit to how much monitor data can be sent per tick. Note:
# - Bandwidth is measured before compression, so the data sent to the client is smaller.
# - This ignores the number of players a packet is sent to. Updating a monitor for one player consumes the same bandwidth limit as sending to 20.
# - A full sized monitor sends ~25kb of data. So the default (1MB) allows for ~40 monitors to be updated in a single tick.
#Set to 0 to disable.
#Range: > 0
monitor_bandwidth = 1000000

#Various options relating to turtles.
#Set whether Turtles require fuel to move
need_fuel = true
#The fuel limit for Turtles
#Range: > 0
normal_fuel_limit = 20000
#The fuel limit for Advanced Turtles
#Range: > 0
advanced_fuel_limit = 100000
#If set to true, Turtles will be unable to build, dig, or enter protected areas (such as near the server spawn point)
obey_block_protection = true
#If set to true, Turtles will push entities out of the way instead of stopping if there is space to do so
can_push = true

#Configure the size of various computer's terminals.
#Larger terminals require more bandwidth, so use with care.

#Terminal size of computers
	#Range: 1 ~ 255
	width = 51
	#Range: 1 ~ 255
	height = 19

#Terminal size of pocket computers
	#Range: 1 ~ 255
	width = 26
	#Range: 1 ~ 255
	height = 20

#Maximum size of monitors (in blocks)
	#Range: 1 ~ 32
	width = 8
	#Range: 1 ~ 32
	height = 6


config file:
#The renderer to use for monitors. Generally this should be kept at "best" - if
#monitors have performance issues, you may wish to experiment with alternative
#Allowed Values: BEST, TBO, VBO
monitor_renderer = "BEST"
#The maximum distance monitors will render at. This defaults to the standard tile
#entity limit, but may be extended if you wish to build larger monitors.
#Range: 16 ~ 1024
monitor_distance = 64



i found the problem, there was a third config files under world/serverconfig